Replay of 2018 in next elections would lead to revolt: Ahsan Iqbal

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Replay of 2018 in next elections would lead to revolt: Ahsan Iqbal

LAHORE Aug 02,2021- Senior PML-N leader Ahsan Iqbal has said that if anyone tries to replay 2018 in the next elections, there will be a revolt in the country. Talking in a TV talk show, he said that Afghanistan teaches a representative government but our government wants to hold elections without opposition.

Ahsan Iqbal said that the judiciary would not want him to be seen as an ally of this government in the next elections and to be accused of participating in a conspiracy to steal the elections. 

Analysts said that the PDM parties should prepare for the elections instead of the long march. It is absolutely wrong to go to the capital and hold sit-ins against a democratic government.

The PDM can achieve transparent elections through the Long March. The opposition must come up with a unified strategy for electoral reform, analysts observes.  

Bilawal demands immediate and transparent elections

The analysts of the view that to make the next election acceptable, there should be transparent elections which should be guaranteed to the third power.

It is being said that PML-N should first agree on the statement in its party and then bring it before the people.