Pakistani film industry demands changes in screening policy

Javed Shaikh and Adnan Siddiqui

Javed Shaikh and Adnan Siddiqui briefing about sate of Pakistani film industry

We should be given a level playing field, Nida Yasir

KARACHI May, 7,2022 – Arts Council of Pakistan Karachi and Film Producers Association have demanded changes in film and screening policies.

At a jointly press conference held on the current state of the film industry at Auditorium I Arts Council Karachi. President Arts Council of Pakistan Karachi M. Ahmed Shah, Directors Yasir Nawaz, Nida Yasir, Adnan Siddiqui, Wajahat Rauf, Shazia Wajahat, Satish Anand, Amjad Rasheed, and Badar Ikram gave briefings.

Arts Council condemn government’s policy of screening foreign films

President Arts Council Muhammad Ahmad Shah said that there is a conspiracy to destroy the industry, this is a serious problem, and our government should prove to be Pakistani.

The Arts Council Karachi condemned this policy, the rulers have been making claims for the development of the film industry, Ahmed Shah said and added that suggestions were given to promote the film industry, as the industry came to a complete standstill due to Covid. He said that five films have been released after two years, and Pakistani films were doing good business, due to which cinema is re-emerging. “Our goal is to try to save the film industry,” he said.

Amjad Rasheed, Chairman of, the Film Producers Association, said that we tried to talk to the federal government officially but got no response.

The quality of our films has now risen, senior actor Javed Sheikh

Senior actor Javed Sheikh said that the Prime Minister should take immediate action on this issue. Earlier it was said that our films are not good but now the quality of our films has increased.

Actor Adnan Siddiqui said that “Dum Mastam” wa his first film as a director and producer. You have taken a booking from a foreign movie, that movie would have done the same business even if it screened later, we had only asked for one week Siddiqui said.

People appreciated our films but were taken off, Yasir Nawaz

Yasir Nawaz said how our film industry will move forward if we do that, he said people who have not been in cinema for many years. They went to see our movies. We are supporting the cinemas, so you support us Nida Yasir said, “There is no millionaire’s hand behind us. We are spending our earnings on these films. Our films have been taken down, we are getting calls from people, and we should be given a level playing field.

Badar Ikram said that our appeal was to be give three days of the weekend, and we were assured of that. We did not want to ban any film. We have given five films, the business of which was very good. All our films were full house.

“We only wanted four days which we were not given,” said Wajahat Rauf. We are allowed to complete the week; our rights have been violated by putting out foreign films with five Pakistani films.

Shazia Wajahat said that, hopefully, the media will be our voice on this issue, not only ours but hundreds of people are associated with the film industry.