Virus become tsunami in India: Oxygen, ambulances short, less space for funerals

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Pakistan's virus death surpasses global level

NEW DEHLI: The Corona virus situation in India has worsened, with less space for funerals.

The Corona virus has become a tsunami in India and Prime Minister Modi has termed it a hurricane, with another 300,000 corona cases reported in a single day.

For the first time since the Corona epidemic, the deadly virus swallowed 2,032 lives in a single day. Meanwhile, a crisis of oxygen supply has been feared across the country.

Corona’s battle intensified in India and at the same time there was a risk of oxygen supply crisis in various Indian cities including New Delhi. Restrictions on office attendance are being tightened in Maharashtra.

The second wave of corona virus wreaked havoc in India, with 300,000 new cases reported in the last 24 hours, the highest number ever.

In addition, 2,023 patients died of the virus. In India, a total of more than 15.61 million cases and more than 182,000 deaths have been reported so far.

The pressure of the corona virus has caused oxygen bed and ambulances shortages in Delhi’s hospitals.

People looted oxygen cylinders from hospitals in Madhya Pradesh to save the lives of their loved ones.

BBC reported, Rajeshwari Devi, 58, died on Sunday after waiting for two days to get uninterrupted oxygen, an ambulance and a bed in a Covid-19 hospital.

The video of doctors crying out for caution from citizens went viral.

In India, 300,000 more patients came forward in 24 hours, while more than 2,000 died.

Data suggests that this wave is proving to be more infectious and deadlier in some states, although India’s death rate from the virus is still relatively low.

But the county’s healthcare system is crumbling amid the surge in cases – doctors say it’s hard for them to “see the light at the end of the tunnel this time” BBC report said.

Saudi ArabiaFor the second day in a row, more than 1000 cases of the corona virus have been reported in Saudi Arabia.

According to official figures, another 1,028 cases were reported in the last 24 hours.


Thousands of people protested against the Angela Merkel’s government, powers gave to the police to counter Coruna in Germany.