No-confidence motion against Buzdar signed

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No-confidence motion file against Usman Buzdar

LAHORE, March 18,2022- After the approval of the PML-N leader Mian Nawaz Sharif, the no-confidence motion against the Chief Minister Punjab is being initiated and the members have reportedly signed such motion.

The motion has also been prepared to convene a meeting of the Punjab Assembly.

Leading daily quoting reliable sources said that there is a strong possibility that the movement against the Chief Minister Punjab will be submitted to the Punjab Assembly secretariat in the next 1/2 days.

Opposition claims to take more than 172 votes: no-confidence motion 

PML-Q leader Monis Elahi seeks clarification from Pervez Khattak

Angry members have given the government members an ultimatum for the resignation of Chief Minister Usman Bazdar.

According to sources, angry members say there will be no further talks unless the Buzdar resigns by Monday.

Sources say that the government delegation will brief the Prime Minister on the issue today.