Minor girl succumbs to her dog-bite injuries in Punjab

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A minor girl attacked by 4 dogs of Zamindar

LAHORE 20,2021- A three-year-old girl was attacked by four dogs of the Zamindar near Jahanian, Punjab province. The girl succumbed to her dog-bite injuries.

A case was registered against the accused after taking notice by the Punjab Chief Minister.

The victim’s family, a resident of 108 Ton R, a village near Jahanian, said that a three-year-old girl Samreen was playing in Street when four dogs raised by the landlord attacked her.  

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The girl was being rushed to the hospital in critical condition when she died on the way.

After taking notice of Punjab Chief Minister Usman Bazdar, the police registered a case against the accused on the complaint of the girl’s father Muhammad Ashraf.

No arrest was reported till the filing of this report.

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