Japan to extend emergency to curb virus spread

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Japan to extend emergency to curb virus spread

Monitoring Desk Sep 04,2021

Japan has decided to extend the state of emergency in Tokyo to curb the spread of the corona virus.

Japanese media said the state of emergency in Tokyo and surrounding areas could be extended till end of September.

Foreign media reported that Japan last month expanded emergency curbs to cover about 80% of its population until Sept. 12, but the number of severe cases and the strain on the medical system have not eased sufficiently in Tokyo and surrounding areas to allow the restrictions to be lifted.

Under the state of emergency, the government reduced foot traffic by asking restaurants to shorten their hours and refrain from serving alcohol, and companies to let staff work from home more frequently.

According to media reports, the fifth wave of corona virus is continuing in Japan due to the delta variant.

More than 16,000 cases of corona and 63 deaths were reported in Japan yesterday.