Hygienic kits for women girls should be matter of proud rather than shame

Hygienic kits for women girls should be matter of proud rather than shame (file foto)

DADU, Nov 24,2022- The flood affected women are receiving hygienic kits  through Water Aid Pakistan supported  Sujag Sansar Organization (SSO)    initiative  in Johi Tahisl of Dadu District.  

SSO team along with leaders of leading civil society organizations inaugurated hygienic kits distribution from villages Hafiz Khush Muhammad Panhwar, Allah Bachio Panhwar and Umer Panhwer in Taluka Johi.

Mashooque Birahmani, CEO, SSO said that on first day they distributed 76 hygienic kits and sanitary pads among women from 76 families of these three villages.

Speaking during the distribution campaign, Ali Akbar Rahimoo of AWARE organization said that temporary pit latrines installed by SSO with Support of Water Aid Pakistan are catering for one of the very important needs of the flood affected families and are helping in better health and hygienic and prevention of diseases.

He maintained that the drinking water through water tankers provided by SSO is also very important initiative which is meeting very basic need of the flood affected. He concluded that as flood water is expected to stay till next 6 months, therefore SSO and Water Aid Pakistan should undertake planning for rehabilitation.

Monitoring Officer Water Aid Pakistan Bilwal commended SSO teams professionalism and dedication and said that SSO  is doing wonderfully well for ameliorating the suffering of flood affected by meeting  their immediate needs by providing drinking water, hygienic kits and Pit latrines.

Abdullah of REEDS NGO stated that we got opportunity of working with SSO and has found out that SSO has installed latrines in an organized way and providence of drinking water through water tankers and provision of hygienic kits are praiseworthy initiative of Sujag Snasar Organisation and Water Aid. He said that flood has caused lot of damage which is impossible to rectify but SSO is catering for some of these basic needs of the flood affected in this area.

Tahmina Samejo of Marvi stroke said that we never hesitate in naming the garments used by women like frock scarf etc but when it comes to hygienic items like sanitary pads etc, men feel hesitant to take even names of the hygienic items which are vital for better health and hygienic of the women and adolescent girls. She said that these are centuries old traditions which need to be changed and we should at least speak about these things   and work for brining changes in the attitudes of the society