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Gorakh Hill receives snowfall

DADU Dec 19,201- Snowfall continues at Gorakh Hill Station in Sindh since yesterday.

Cold wave also increased across the district. At Gorakh Hill station in 2014 and 2017 there was snow fall.

Dadu district is in grip of the cold wave, snowfall has been continuing at the beautiful resort of Sindh Gorakh Hill station, which is called Koh-e-Muri of Sindh since.

Due to snowfall, water reserves in Gorakh Hill and surrounding areas have frozen into ice.

Gorakh Hill is situated at an elevation of 5,689 ft in the Kirthar Mountains, 94 kilometers (58 mi) northwest of Dadu city.

It is said that the medieval Hindu saint, Gorakhnath, had extensively wandered in hills and the region. According to Nandu, an authority on Sanskrit, Gorakh is a Sanskrit word which means “shepherding of sheep, cow and goat, etc.