FIA to probe CCTV in school’s female washrooms

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FIA to probe CCTV in school’s female washrooms

KARACHI Nov 06,2021

The FIA ​​will probe into hidden cameras installed CCTV in female washrooms of a private school at Safora Goth, in Karachi.

The FIA ​​Cyber ​​Crime took note of the seriousness of the news.

It should be noted that hidden cameras and recordings fall under the purview of FIA Cyber ​​Crime. According to Additional Director FIA Cyber ​​Crime Imran Riaz, this is a sensitive issue. He said that our team has visited the school and inspected the secret cameras.

He said details of how long ago the cameras  were installed in school’s female washroom sand why they would be installed would be closely scrutinized by the technical team and details would be obtained from the education department.

Imran Riaz said that he has also contacted DG Schools Mansoob Siddiqui. He said that the education department has complained about this cybercrime.

The education department has requested an inquiry into the matter, Imran Riaz said, adding that the team has reached the school and started its work.

The Sindh education department has taken notice of the CCTV – hidden cameras installed in the washrooms of teachers in a private school in Karachi and after holding inquiry, registration of the schools has been canceled.

The education department report said, “Hidden CCTV cameras were installed behind a sheet with holes in the area of washrooms situated with the toilets of girls and boys washrooms, so that one can easily watch the movement of male and female student and staff.”

Sindh Education Department officials have said that the women had complained to the education department about thein school’s female washrooms. Washrooms are being used by female teachers as well as female students. The vigilance team has submitted a report on hidden cameras to the education department.