Elections will be held after the departure of the Chief Justice, Maryam Nawaz

Maryam Nawaz

Elections will be held after the departure of the Chief Justice, Maryam Nawaz

Maryam Nawaz, the chief organizer of the ruling party Muslim League (N), has said that the elections will be held on time and after the departure of Chief Justice of Pakistan Umar Atta Bandial.

Addressing the sit-in of the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) outside the Supreme Court, Maryam Nawaz inquired whether the Chief Justice was happy to see this sea of people or not.

She further said that why should we accept the decision which you made with bad intention, see cruelty, one was given life bail and one was disqualified for life.

The chief organizer of the PML-N also said that the country has always been spoiled by the ideology of necessity.

She said that the constitution and the law were born from the parliament and sat against it. It is not your job to prevent the bill from becoming a law.

Maryam Nawaz said that wherever the attacks took place, they were on the instructions of Imran Khan, Imran Khan had made a list that if he was arrested, he would attack those places.

He said that on the arrest of Imran Khan, not the public, but trained rioters came out.

The chief organizer of the PML-G said that when there is a need to steal from the Tosha Khana, Pinky becomes the ringleader of the Pirni gang.

They said that when the court calls, they make an innocent face and say that Pinky Pirni is a housewife.