Attackers on military installations will be prosecuted under the Army Act: Corps Commanders Conference

Gen Asim Muneer

The meeting of corps commanders on Monday has decided to prosecute under the Army Act against those who attacked Pakistan Army installations and martyrs’ memorials.

It has been decided in a meeting of corps commanders under the chairmanship of Army Chief General Asim Munir that cases will be filed against those responsible under the relevant laws of Pakistan and the Official Secrets Act.
According to ISPR, a special corps commanders conference was held under the chairmanship of Army Chief General Asim Munir.
The forum was given a detailed briefing on internal and external security situation.
The forum took a comprehensive look at the law and order situation created for political purposes in the last few days.
The participants of the conference were briefed on the plan of desecration and coordinated vandalism of images and monuments of martyrs.
The briefing stated that there was an attempt to discredit the institution as part of a coordinated plan involving vandalism of military installations, the plan was carried out to provoke and provoke the institution to react.
Pakistan Army strongly condemned the incidents of political incitement and incitement against military installations, public and private properties.

No question of imposing martial law, Spokesman Pakistan Army
The commanders also expressed the grief and sentiments of the rank and file of the army over the tragic events.
He emphasized on the need for strict implementation of social media rules and regulations, and the need to implement relevant laws to punish those who violate the rules.
The commanders said that the army is well aware of these instigators, encouragers and criminals, those involved in these heinous crimes will be brought to book under the relevant laws of Pakistan.
The conference participants said that the culprits will be brought to justice through a trial under the Pakistan Army Act and the Official Secrets Act.
The conference agreed that no concessions would be made against those who attack military installations and locations under any agenda.
Participants also expressed serious concern over organized propaganda by externally sponsored and internally facilitated elements.
ISPR press release said that the shameful propaganda is aimed at creating a rift between the armed forces and the people of Pakistan, its aim is to create a rift within the rank and file of the armed forces.
The commanders said that the Pakistan Armed Forces will thwart all such nefarious intentions of Pakistan’s enemies with the full support of the people.
It was said in the conference that consensus at the national level is necessary to sustain public confidence, economic development and democratic system.
The forum stressed the need for national consensus among all stakeholders to resolve the current political instability.
According to the ISPR, the forceful retaliatory action of the security forces in the Muslim Bagh attack was appreciated, the forum also appreciated the counter-terrorism operations.
In the Corps Commanders’ Conference, satisfaction was expressed over the ongoing intelligence-based operation against terrorism in the country.
The forum stressed the need for national consensus among all stakeholders to tackle the current political instability.
The Corps Commanders also emphasized the need for national consensus to restore public confidence.
The forum stressed the need for national consensus to re-energize economic activity.
The soldiers of Pakistan said that such nefarious propaganda of the enemy forces will be defeated with the support of the Pakistani people.
Military officials said that the people of Pakistan have always stood by the armed forces in every difficulty.
The forum also emphasized the need for national consensus to strengthen the democratic process.
The participants of the conference paid their respects to those martyred in the defense of motherland.