Consumers’ Protection court takes up PUG charges on gas bills

Southern Gas Company

15-hour gas load shedding scheduled from 1st December 

KARACHI – Jul 02, 2021-

Karachi consumers’ Protection court has taken up the issue of imposition of charges on gas bills (PUG).

A citizen Kamran Iqbal filed an application against Sui Southern Gas Company in the Consumers’ Court.

Judicial Magistrate Sharqi Javed Ali Korejo granted the application for hearing.

The applicant stated that Sui Southern Gas Company is illegally charging in the name of PUG.

The consumers are paying extra amount in the name of Registration Charges (PUGs), the petitioner said

He said he received his gas bill of 865 in January with 527 PUG charges,

PUG charges are levied when the meter is faulty, applicant stated and added why PUG charges are being levied on valid meters.

He further said this is not only his, it is the problem of the whole city. He requested the court that SSGC to be fined, and PUG charges be refunded.