Accused of rape and torture case remanded to police custody

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Accused of rape and torture case remanded to police custody

RAWALPINDI Aug 01,2021 – A Rawalpindi court has remanded into police custody the accused of rape and violence against a girl student  here on Wednesday.

Police arrested the accused from the court premises. The accused Mufti Shahnawaz will be produced before the area magistrate tomorrow for physical remand. The court ordered immediate submission of JIT report.

Additional District and Sessions Judge Malik Ijaz Asif heard the case of alleged abuse and torture of a madrassa female student.

During the hearing, main accused Mufti Shahnawaz and accused Ishrat Hanif appeared in the court along with their lawyers.

The lawyers of the accused requested that the application for adjournment be granted till the report of JIT is received. The accused and the affected student have already recorded their statements in JIT.

The court ordered immediate submission of the JIT report.

JIT chief SP Headquarters Zuneera Azfar requested the court to arrest the accused till a full JIT investigation is conducted.