Troika Plus urges UN to develop programs for people of Afghanistan

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Troika Plus urges UN to develop programs for people of Afghanistan

ISLAMABAD Nov 11,2021

The Troika Plus has urged United Nations and its specialized agencies to develop programs to implement the international community’s commitments to support the people of Afghanistan.

In its joint statement issued here on Nov 11, Pakistan, China, Russia and the United States have also called on international community to take concrete actions to provide Afghanistan with help against COVID-19.

The Troika Plus participants welcomed Taliban’s continued commitment to allow for the safe passage of all who wish to travel to and from Afghanistan and encouraged rapid progress, with the onset of winter, on arrangements to establish airports countrywide that can accept commercial air traffic, which are essential to enable the uninterrupted flow of humanitarian assistance.

Calls Taliban to work with fellow Afghans

The forum called on Taliban to work with fellow Afghans to take steps to form an inclusive and representative government that respects the rights of all Afghans and provides for the equal rights of women and girls to participate in all aspects of Afghan society.

It also called on the Taliban to ensure unhindered humanitarian access, including by women aid workers, for the delivery of humanitarian assistance in Afghanistan to respond to the developing crisis.

The forum also emphasized that access to education for women and girls at all levels is an international obligation and encouraged the Taliban to accelerate efforts to provide for full and equal access to education countrywide.

Condemns the recent terrorist attacks in Afghanistan

The Troika Plus condemned in the strongest terms the recent terrorist attacks in Afghanistan and called on the Taliban to cut ties with all international terrorist groups, dismantle and eliminate them in a decisive manner, and to deny space to any terrorist organization operating inside the country.

Urges Afghanistan’s international legal obligations

They also called on Taliban to take a friendly approach towards neighboring countries and to uphold Afghanistan’s international legal obligations, including universally accepted principles of international law and fundamental human rights and to protect the safety and legitimate rights of foreign nationals and institutions in Afghanistan.

Prime Minister Imran Khan

Prime Minister Imran Khan on Thursday said that Pakistan has always stood by the Afghan people in their time of need and urged the international community to fulfil its collective responsibility and do the same.

The prime minister’s remarks came amid a visit to Islamabad by acting Afghan foreign minister Amir Khan Muttaqi, who was extended an invitation to attend the Troika Plus meeting.