Tariq Ali Talpur reviews performance of social welfare deptt

social welfare

Tariq Ali Talpur reviews performance of social welfare deptt

 Karachi. 22 May: The Minister of Social Welfare Department, Mir Tariq Ali Talpur, held a meeting with all additional directors, deputy directors of Social Welfare Department from 30 districts of the province to review the performance of district offices.

Secretary Social Welfare Sajid Jamal Abro, and Director General Social Welfare Department, Nisar Ahmed Shaikh were also present in the meeting.
The purpose of meeting was to gather information about the performance of all districts offices, specifically to learn about the various welfare activities undertaken and to understand the challenges and difficulties they are encountering while implementing these initiatives.

The representatives from all districts presented their progress to the minister, showcasing their achievements and challenges, including issues related to staffing and infrastructure, which hinder the smooth operation of Social Welfare activities.
The minister showed keen interest in the presentations delivered by the additional Directors, engaging actively by asking insightful questions and seeking clarification on various aspects of their progress reports. This demonstrated the Minister’s commitment to understanding the details and challenges of the social welfare activities, and ensured a thorough discussion on the issues and achievements presented.
The Minister instructed the Director General (Administration) to precisely document the issues raised by all Districts and forward them to his office for prompt redressal.

The Minister underscored the importance of innovative and dedicated work for the Welfare of communities, emphasizing that the Social Welfare Department must be committed to serving the communities.

He stressed that any challenge or issues encountered should be promptly shared with his office, ensuring timely resolution and support for the best interest of public. The Minister for Social Welfare Department appreciated the progress and achievements of officers of Social Welfare Department and motivated them to continue service delivery for community development.