Tareen denies contacts with PPP, PLM-N

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LAHORE: PTI leader Jahangir Tareen on Monday, said that many people including workers call me, I have not had any contact with anyone including PPP and PML-N.

Speaking to media after hearing of the case against him and his son Ali Tareen in the Banking Court, PTI leader Jahangir Tareen said that his friends had met Prime Minister Imran Khan.

“My case is not criminal, the FIA ​​has no role in the case,” he said.

Jahangir Tareen said that there are people with me, they are my friends, it is clear to everyone that the basis of this case is something else.

“I do not want to comment on Shah Mehmood Qureshi’s statement,” he said.

Earlier on the interim bail application of PTI leader Jahangir Tareen and his son Ali Tareen, the court extended the bail of both till May 19.

On the other hand, the PTI members aligned Jahangir Tareen has decided to remain silent till Eid and later work out a plan of action in the light of the situation, sources said.

Wait for Sen Ali Zafar’s Report

The lawmakers group supporting, Jahangir Tareen, after consultation has decided to wait for the investigation report of Senator Ali Zafar Advocate nominated by the Prime Minister. After Eid, group’s lawmakers and ticket holders will hold consultation meeitng.

The group claimed that four more members of the National Assembly have contacted Jahangir Tareen.

Reports said that Ali Zafar Advocate met with the lawyers and accountants of Tareen group and heard the position of Jahangir Tareen’s team regarding the case.

Ali Zafar Advocate has also held a round of meetings with the FIA ​​and the prosecution team. So far, Ali Zafar Advocate has held four meetings, sources claimed.

Senator Ali Zafar Advocate said that the report will be submitted to Prime Minister Imran Khan by the end of May.