Talpur launches Make Sindh Green drive

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Talpur launches Make Sindh Green plantation drive

KARACHI Aug 14, 2021 – Sindh Forest Minister Taimur Talpur inaugurated Make Sindh Green plantation drive by  planting sapling at Benazir Bhutto Park.

PPP senior leader Sharjeel Memon, Special Assistant for Investment Qasim Naveed Qamar, MPA Ganhwar Isran and Forest Secretary Badar Jamil Mendhro accompanied him. 

Minister for Forests Taimur Talpur launched tree planting drive on Independence Day to make Sindh green. The target is to plant 200,000 saplings across the province, he said. Last year’s tree planting in Benazir Bhutto Park has now grown.

Crackdown to free forest land

Minister for Forests said the Forest Department’s lands in Karachi are encroached and occupied. A cracked down launched get vacated this land.

He added that there are complaints of forest land grabbing in the province. Forest department to vacate lands across the province and this crackdown will be without discrimination and will be against members of all parties, as party leadership has ordered so. 

Corruption in Billion Tree Plantation in KPK

Taimur Talpur said there is corruption of billions of rupees in Billion Tree Plantation in KPK.

But NAB has stopped investigation into the Billion Tree Plantation corruption case.

If there were people from other parties besides PTI in Billion Tree Plantation Corruption, NAB would have arrested him.

He said Governor Sindh’s dogs are also traveling in official Land Cruiser.

Reports pouring in from different district said, thousands of tree sapling were plated across Sindh.