Situation has returned to normalcy, NA told

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ISLAMABAD: The National Assembly was informed on Friday that the situation has returned to normalcy in the country after the steps taken by the government to deal with the violent protests of a religious group. Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs Ali Muhammad Khan told the National Assembly that all the roads have been opened.

The minister added, no group can be allowed to disturb the law and order situation and dictate its terms to the government. He said neither the religion nor the constitution allows attacks on the police personnel.

The Minister for Parliamentary Affairs recalled that both the houses of the parliament passed unanimous resolutions strongly condemning the publication of blasphemous material in France.

Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs Ali Muhammad Khan laid before the house the Annual Report of Pakistan Information Commission for the period 1st January 2020 to 30th November 2020.

The National Assembly was informed that Pakistan’s notified borders – Torkham, Chaman, Badini, Angur Ada, Ghulam Khan and Kharlachi with Afghanistan are open for trade and business activities.

Minister for Energy Omer Ayub Khan laid before the house the Regulation of Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Electric Power Amendment Ordinance 2021.

Two bills – The Muslim Family Laws Amendment and the National Commission on the Rights of Child Amendment were also laid before the house. The chair referred the bills to the standing committees concerned.