Sindhi Culture Day being celebrated across Sindh

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How celebrations of Sindhi Culture Day started? 

Sindhi Culture Day being celebrated across Sindh

KARACHI Dec -5,2021- Sindhi Culture Day is being celebrated in different cities across Sindh, the participants are wearing Sindhi cap and Ajrak to highlight Sindhi culture.

Celebrated every year on the first Sunday of December, Sindhi Culture Day is celebrated like Eid festival by the people of Sindh. Today everyone is dyed in the traditional colors of Sindh.

This day is being celebrated in full swing with the highlighting of culture. Sindhis are expressing their love for their culture by presenting Sindhi cultural tableau at various events or by chanting songs.

 Residents of Sindh on the occasion said that the purpose of celebrating Culture Day is to show that Sindh is a land of love and peace by highlighting its culture all over the world.

How celebrations of Sindhi Culture Day started?

 To mark Sindhi Culture Day, a function was organized in Hyderabad in which school children presented tableaux highlighting the culture of Sindh. 

Children, adults and youth are showing their traditional enthusiasm in the celebrations of Sindhi Cultural Day at different places of Karachi. 

Young people are dancing to Sindhi songs and folk tunes while children are presenting tableaux to highlight the beautiful colors of Sindh culture. Young, children and old people have come out of their houses in Sindhi ajrak, cap and clothes to participate in these celebrations. 

In groups, young men are patrolling on bikes, wearing scarves and hats.

Tv talk show before announcing Culture Day

In connection with the Culture Day, traditional ‘open katcheries have been organized across the province, in which local artists are performing their art. 

Rallies are also being held on motorbikes to highlight the culture of Sindh, on which youngsters in Sindhi hats, scarves and turbans were seen dancing to the tunes of Sindh folk songs.  

How and why Sindh Culture day started

In the year December 2009, a painful incident took place, when former President Asif Ali Zardari visited Afghanistan, wearing a traditional Sindh cap. An anchor of  TV news channel mocked a mocked Asif Zardari’s wearing of Sindhi cap in his official program, ignoring journalistic ethical limits and restrictions. The people of Sindh became aware of the need to make their culture known to the world.

Ali Kazi on Sindhi news channel condemning Mocking in 2009

 This irresponsible behavior of the said TV anchor spread unrest among the people of Sindh.

On this occasion, a journalist belonging to a Sindhi news channel  announced the celebration of December 6 as ‘Sindh Culture Day’ to which people of all schools of thought across the province responded. Cultural Day and Sindhi cap and Ajrak celebrations were held by lighting candles in front of Karachi Press Club after 12 noon.