Shazia Marri blasts govt on foreign office issues


ISLAMABAD: PPP Secretary Information Shazia Atta Marri has regretted that there are many foreign embassies that do not cover the living expenses of families.

Addressing a press conference here on Sunday, PPP Secretary Information said, if the Foreign Ministry is not working properly, a report should be sought.

The officers in Foreign Service are important, the government should provide them with facilities, and she added Foreign office people should not be humiliated in front of the whole world,

She said people of Pakistan have had a hard time during this Ramadan, as inflation has made their lives miserable.

Shazia Marri said poverty has trapped the country in such a way that we cannot get out and added the country’s economy has been handed over to them by the IMF.

She said, PPP condemned the attack on Al-Aqsa Mosque during prayers, Let the United Nations do justice to the innocent Palestinians.

Talking about double standards of the PTI government Shazia Marri said the government should also clear it position, the KP government has lifted all restrictions on tourism. Is KP not in Pakistan?

NCOC is pointing out virus fire, but KP government removed all tourism restrictions.

She said ordinances are brought by bypassing Parliament.

She said, PPP wants permanent relief for overseas Pakistanis.

General secretary PPP Sindh Waqar Mehdi and newly elected party MNA Qadir Mandokhel were also present at the press conference.