Multan transgender completes M.Phil in commerce

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MULTAN Nov 11,2021 Monitoring Desk

A transgender from Multan has completed M.Phil in commerce. Members of the transgender community are also now trying to change their identity by getting education. Another transgender from Multan has completed his M.Phil degree in Commerce. 

Saro Imran, a recent M.Phil graduate from the Department of Commerce, Bahauddin Zakaria University, Multan, is transgender.

Saro bravely faced social bitterness over her identity and continued her studies. 

The topic of Saro’s M Phil’s research paper was ‘How to start a transgender business in Pakistan, business development objectives and challenges’.

She said, “I want the transgender community in Pakistan to come forward by education, do their jobs or business and play a role in Pakistan’s economy. 

Saro is currently serving as a communications officer for a community organization working on the health of people in her community.

 She believes that the place she is in today includes the encouragement of her family.

She said, if the family is accepting us, then the relatives and people around us do not accept, this problem will remain with me and every transgender person. 

Saro has become a role model for transgender people, but many in the community say that because of their social attitudes, they have not been able to continue their studies or find a better job. 

Nisha Rao a lawyer and social activist has become the first Pakistani transgender to be admitted to the LLM degree program. She will be pursuing an LLM degree from Karachi University.

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Nisha Rao a lawyer pursuing LLM

A transgender in India has been awarded an honorary doctorate degree. Akkai Padma Shali, an activist working for transgenders in India, has been awarded an honorary doctorate by Wiki University Bangalore.  

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Akkai Padma Shali awarded honorary doctorate by Bangalore University

She is the first transgender to receive this degree. On receiving his doctorate, she said that it was an honor for her that for the first time in the country a university recognized her work and paid attention to the problems of the people.