LUMHS hospital Corona ward is full of patients

HYDERABAD: Cases of corona virus have increased in Hyderabad. Corona ward of Liaquat Medical and Health Sciences University (LUMHS) is full of patients.

A spokesman for (LUMHS) said that 36 patients have been admitted in Touch Hyderabad and 26 in Touch Jamshoro, while 12 more are awaiting admission.

DHO Dr Lala Jaffer said that 5 major hospitals in Latifabad have no oxygen and no ventilators, Bhittai Hospital, Kohsar Hospital and Government Preetabad Hospital have no ICU ward.

The DHO says efforts are being made to provide at least oxygen to the citizens.
The patients if they needed a vent, they would have to go to Liaquat University for ventilators.

Dr. Lala Jaffer says that there is no choice but complete lockdown.