Love of Bangladeshi girl, she swims river to meet her lover

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Sohni Mahewal of 21 century: Bangladeshi girl swims river to meet her lover

A 22-year-old Bangladeshi girl who was in love with an Indian boy crossed the river by swimming and met her lover.

According to Indian site India Today, 22-year-old Bangladeshi girl Krishna Mandal first crossed a dangerous jungle to meet her boyfriend, then reached India by swimming in the river.

According to reports, the young girl swam an hour and covered this dangerous distance and reached the Indian state of West Bengal.

According to India Today, the love between a boy and a girl had grown up on the social media site Facebook.

According to media reports, Krishna had taken this extreme step to meet his boyfriend because he did not have a passport.

On the other hand, as a result of this news going viral on social media, the Indian police has come into action.

According to media reports, the girl Krishna Mandal has been arrested for entering India illegally and will be handed over to the Bangladesh High Commission soon. (Monitoring Desk – foto courtesy India Today)