Lahore doctor booked for making immoral videos of doctors and nurses

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Lahore doctor booked for making immoral videos of doctors and nurses

KARACHI (Monitoring Desk)

The doctor of Jinnah Hospital who made pornographic videos of lady doctors and nurses has been suspended.

According to a statement issued by the Punjab Health Department, the accused was working as a doctor in Jinnah Hospital Lahore, he accused of making an immoral video by a woman.

The provincial health department said that the FIA ​​had registered a case against the doctor and now the doctor has been suspended.

Gujranwala woman accused of making videos for blackmailing arrested

According to FIA authorities, the victim, a resident of Lahore, had filed a petition in the Cyber ​​Crime Wing against Dr Abdullah Harris of Jinnah Hospital Lahore for allegedly blackmailing the woman through pornographic videos.