September 11, 2024

Iranian Consulate General visits Maula Ali Qadam Gah

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Iranian Consulate General visits Maula Ali Qadam Gah

HYDERABAD, Feb 20,2022- Iranian Consulate General in Karachi visited Maula Ali Qadam Gah in Hyderabad.

Consulate General of Iran Hassan Noorian inspected the new construction work of Qadam Gah.

On this occasion, Allama Dr. Karam Ali Haideri Al Mashhidi, Maulana Allah Bachayo Nasiri, Tanveer Lakho, Ghulam Mustafa Chana, Syed Mohammad Reza Shah Naqvi Jahanian, Mohammad Reza Haideri and others briefed him during the visit.

Qadam Gah is closely located beside the shrine of Hazrat Wahab Shah Jillani on station road Hyderabad.

Qadam Gah is a 4-5 inch slab of stone, which is believed to be a prayer mat carrying imprints attributed to Hazrat Ali’s forehead, hands, knees and feet in position of prostration.

The Consulate General expressed satisfaction over the construction work done by Anjuman-e-Imamiya Sindh and said that the construction work done by the management of Qadam Gah is commendable.