Civil judge stops cutting mountain in Karoonjhar hill range

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Civil judge stops cutting mountain in Karoonjhar hill range

MITHI, Dec 28,2021- Civil judge of Nagarparkar has taken notice of cutting mountains in Karoonjhar hill range and ordered cutting companies to stop working.

The judicial magistrate took notice of the cartoonist’s murder and issued a show cause notice to the two companies Kohnoor and the FOW for ceasing work immediately.

The court ordered SHO Nagarparkar, SHO Dhano Dhandal, SSP Tharparkar, Wing Commander Rangers Nagarparkar, Mukhtarikar and the Assistant Commissioner to immediately stop the work of crushing Mount Kharsar, Channida and Dhangam by the companies.

The court said that the machinery should be immediately removed, trucks and trailers with rocks closed.

The court has called reports from Deputy Commissioner Tharparkar, Assistant Director Mineral and mines department Tharparkar, Deputy Conservator Wildlife department Tharparkar, Assistant director Culture& Tourism, Sub Divisional officer Forest, Assistant Director Environment and climate change

The court in its order said that the company owner filed a personal response to the showcase before appearing in court on January 6, 2022.

Karoonjhar issue echoed in the Supreme Court Karachi Registry on Dec 27, when one Ashraf Samo verbally requested the court to take notice of cutting of Karoonjhar hills which was causing disturbances to the people of the area.

The petitioner told the court that the Karoonjhar Mountain is being cut down, there is a natural beauty in the Karoonjhar Nagarparkar.

The applicant said that the rare stones are being cut on the cartoon mountain, thus the beauty of Nagarparker is being destroyed.

Chief Justice remarks as to who is cutting the cartoon? Applicants say that Department of Minerals is cutting.