September 8, 2024

By-election set new records in poll history of Pakistan

Women candidates of PTI Meher Bano Qureshi and PML(N) Shezra Mansab Kharal, and lost elections

KARACHI, Oct 13,2022- In the by-elections for 11 seats of national and provincial assemblies in three provinces, interesting contests and new records were established in many constituencies. 

In the by-elections held on Sunday in NA-237 and NA-239 constituencies of the National Assembly, on the one hand, the turnout was low, on the other hand, the polling agents of the candidates were not present in the polling booths established in the two constituencies.

For the first time in the country’s parliamentary history, Imran Khan set a new record by winning 6 out of 8 seats in the by-elections, by defeating the candidates of Bilourw of Peshawar, Wali Khan of Charsadda, Kharal of Nankana in the by-elections.

For the first time, Tehreek-e-Insaf faced the candidates of PDM alliance, ANP, JUI and MQM. However, no candidate of Muslim League-N could succeed from the National Assembly constituency in the by-elections.

In the by-elections, women candidates of PTI and (N)-League, Meher Bano Qureshi and Shezra Mansab Kharal lost elections.

MQM candidate Syed Nayar Raza got the least number of votes in NA-239 constituency of Karachi in the by-elections.