4th corona wave hitting Pakistan hard as 95 deaths in a day

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Schools to remain open as virus cases surges to 35.30%.

ISLAMABAD Aug 7,2021 – The fourth wave of corona virus is hitting hard in Pakistan as with 95 more people lost their lives during last 24 hours. Among them 42 were in Sindh,

The fourth wave of COVID 19 gaining momentum in Pakistan due to not observing social distance, neglect of masks and violations of SOPs. The country has reached 31st place in the list of corona patients.

According to the National Command and Operations Center (NCOC), 4,720 more cases of corona virus have been reported in Pakistan during the last 24 hours, with 95 more people losing their lives in the face of this deadly epidemic.

A further 4,780 patients were cured, while the rate of positive cases rose to 8.24%.


Across Pakistan, 23,797 patients have died of the corona virus so far, bringing the total number of infected patients to 1,063,125.

Patients at hospitals

A total of 79,837 patients are being treated for corona virus in hospitals, quarantine centers, ventilators and homes across the country, of which 4,275 patients are in critical condition, while 959,491 patients have recovered so far.

Total tests and Vaccination

During the last 24 hours, 57,233 more corona viruses have been tested in the country, while a total of 1,63,93,404 corona tests have been conducted so far.

Across Pakistan, 1,123,277 people have been vaccinated against the corona virus in the last 24 hours, while a total of 35,36,892 doses of the corona vaccine have been given so far.


The number of corona virus patients in Sindh has once again risen to 396,918 more than other provinces, bringing the total death toll to 6,168. On Friday 42 people died of corona virus in the province, told CM Sindh Syed Murad Ali Shah.


Punjab has so far reported 362,557 cases of corona virus, while the total number of deaths here is higher than other provinces which has risen to 11,172.

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

The number of corona virus patients in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has risen to 147,452, bringing the total death toll to 4,524.

Federal capital

In the federal capital Islamabad, 90,093 cases of corona virus have been reported so far, while a total of 811 people have lost their lives so far.


So far 31,069 cases of corona virus have been reported in Balochistan where 331 people have died from the disease.

Azad Jammu & Kashmir

In Azad Jammu and Kashmir, 26,421 cases of corona virus have been reported so far, while a total of 641 patients have died so far.


In Gilgit-Baltistan, 8,615 cases of corona virus have been reported and 150 people have died so far.