September 16, 2024

Pakistan Seeks BRICS Membership with Russian Support

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Pakistan Seeks BRICS Membership with Russian Support

In a significant geopolitical move, Pakistan has formally applied to join the BRICS bloc, as revealed by the Pakistani Ambassador to Russia, Mohammad Khalid Jamali, in an interview with Russian media.

Pakistan is actively seeking support from Russia during the membership process, especially with Russia set to hold the presidency of the BRICS group in 2024.

Ambassador Jamali expressed confidence in the assistance of Russia and China, both influential members of BRICS, in facilitating Pakistan’s entry into the organization. He emphasized the importance Pakistan places on being a part of this significant global coalition.

In pursuit of BRICS membership, Pakistan is engaged in diplomatic outreach to member countries, with a specific focus on garnering support from the Russian Federation. The BRICS bloc, initially comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, expanded in August, announcing the addition of six new members starting January 1, 2024, during the group’s summit in Johannesburg.

As Pakistan navigates the intricate process of joining BRICS, the diplomatic landscape is closely watching the developments and the potential shifts in regional dynamics that may result from this geopolitical alignment. (Monitoring Desk)