September 8, 2024

Pak Army’s relief activities in flood-affected areas intensified, rations and tents distributed

Pak Army relief and rescue

Pak Army's relief activities in flood-affected areas intensified, rations and tents distributed

Pak Army’s relief activities in the flood-affected areas are intensified, rations and tents are distributed to the victims

The relief activities of the Pakistan Army have accelerated in the flood affected areas of the country, 5487 ration packets and more than 1200 tents have been distributed to the victims.

117 relief camps have also been set up across the country, a flood relief center has been set up at the Army Air Defense Command headquarters, the center aims to coordinate flood relief measures, ISPR said.

According to ISPR, more than 25000 patients have been treated so far, Army Flood Relief Coordination Center has been established, aid collection points are being established across the country.

A total of 982 people died in the flood

After 45 more people died in the country due to floods and rains in 24 hours, the total number of deaths has reached 982, the highest number of deaths was 339 in Sindh. .

NDMA said that 234 people died in Balochistan, 19 in KP due to floods and rains, 10 people died in KP, 33 in Sindh and 2 people died in Punjab during the last 24 hours.

According to the data released by NDMA, 113 people were injured due to floods and rains during the last 24 hours, while another 8 thousand 588 animals died during the last 24 hours, while a total of 8 lakh 2 thousand 583 animals died.

NDMA said that four more bridges were damaged during the last 24 hours, while 149 bridges were damaged due to recent rains and floods.

During the last 24 hours, another 11 thousand 811 houses were damaged while a total of 6 lakh 82 thousand 139 houses were damaged due to recent rains and floods.

According to NDMA, 1456 people have been injured due to floods across the country, more than 82,000 animals have died during the rains across the country, while a total of 149 bridges and more than 682,000 houses have been damaged.

Pressure on LBOD embankments increasing

Sindh Situation river FP embankment cracks

In Sindh, local influential diverted water to villages to save their sugarcane crop.

Five to seven thousand people in three or four villages are affected by the flood situation in Moro.

One track of the National Highway is completely submerged in water while only one track is open for traffic.

Due to the floods, the pressure on the protection embankments of the Indus River has increased. Manchar Lake on the right bank of Indus river was filled.

Qamber and Dadu districts were under danger

The FP embankment was broken due to the arrival of the flood water.

The water overflowed after the Indus Highway was overtopped and started moving towards Warah.

Many families were trapped in the migration of both cities.

The FP dam collapsed due to the rapid currents near Qambar. The Pakistan Army is conducting an operation to evacuate the trapped people while the flood alert was issued in Warah and Qamber taluks after the collapse of the rescue dam.

The rain and flood currents have submerged the Indus Highway from Naseerabad. Migration has also started in the city. On the other hand, due to storm surges and flood flows in the Indus, the pressure has increased on the protection dams.

The ring embankment at Aral Head near Sewhan was flooded by 20 feet, more than 20 villages in Sewhan, Johi and Kakar have been submerged and the affected villagers have been forced to migrate on their own. There has been fear in the areas, despite receiving the information, the irrigation crews did not arrive to stop the irrigation.

Flood water entered Tando Adam

Flood water entered Tando Adam city in Sindh, causing dozens of houses to sink.

The administration has called for heavy machinery and started work to stop the flood water.

On the other hand, the traffic has been affected as the National Highway in Matiari was submerged.

Meanwhile, the victims in Khairpur Nathan Shah spent the night under the open sky. The victims of Dadu have been moved to safer places.

The Flood Control Room said that the water level in the Indus River continues to rise, and high flood tides are expected today and tomorrow.

Floods and rains claimed 982 lives through out, highest number is in Sindh where people were killed due to house collapse incidents

After 45 more people died in the country due to floods and rains in 24 hours.

Nearly 800,000 cattle have died due to the flood situation across the country this year, while 670,000 houses have been affected.

Low pressure of monsoon winds end

Chief Meteorologist Sardar Sarfraz said that the low pressure of monsoon winds, which caused heavy rains in central Sindh and northeast Balochistan, has ended.

The Chief Meteorologist said that there is a flood situation in east and north-east Balochistan, Dadu, Qamber Shahdad Kot and Jacobabad are likely to be affected by the flood situation.

Possibility of rain on August 29 and 30

He said that there is a possibility of rain on August 29 and 30 due to a circulation in the Arabian Sea.

Sindh Situation river FP embankment cracks

In Sindh, local influential diverted water to villages to save their sugarcane crop.

Five to seven thousand people in three or four villages are affected by the flood situation in Moro.

One track of the National Highway is completely submerged in water while only one track is open for traffic.

Due to the floods, the pressure on the protection embankments of the Indus River has increased. Manchar Lake on the right bank of Indus river was filled.

Qamber and Dadu districts were under danger

The FP embankment was broken due to the arrival of the flood water.

The water overflowed after the Indus Highway was overtopped and started moving towards Warah.

Many families were trapped in the migration of both cities.

The FP dam collapsed due to the rapid currents near Qambar. The Pakistan Army is conducting an operation to evacuate the trapped people while the flood alert was issued in Warah and Qamber taluks after the collapse of the rescue dam.

The rain and flood currents have submerged the Indus Highway from Naseerabad. Migration has also started in the city. On the other hand, due to storm surges and flood flows in the Indus, the pressure has increased on the protection dams.

The ring embankment at Aral Head near Sewhan was flooded by 20 feet, more than 20 villages in Sewhan, Johi and Kakar have been submerged and the affected villagers have been forced to migrate on their own. There has been fear in the areas, despite receiving the information, the irrigation crews did not arrive to stop the irrigation.